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Duffle Bag

Pain Point

Have you ever faced these problems before?

Going out for trips, sightseeing, playing various sports both on land and in water and you have to pack and carry many outfits for each sport and activity. So, you end up having to drag the unnecessary bigger baggage to the places than you should do. That cool fun trip you imagine turns out to be one of the fatigue burdensome travelling.



Then the idea of only one outfit that could fit for various sports and activities that is easy to wear, fast dry, and also UV protected came up.  


Yes It is

The new body suit !!!!!  Bravo ! Yes it is. With this suit you can wear for snorkeling, swimming and it protects you from heat and sunshine you are exposed while in sea water. The suit can also wear as body suit for outdoor sports like golf and cycling. It is also perfect fit for female motor bikers who love going out for trips as feeling of energy, fast drying and less damping can be touched all time of your action.

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